10 Reasons Why Elementor Hosting is the Best WordPress Hosting Option

Find out why Elementor Hosting has some of the best web hosting for WordPress with free website templates, premium customer…

How to Install WordPress on DigitalOcean in 2024

Learn how to make a website on DigitalOcean where you can easily install WordPress in one click. Your website will…

How to Make a Free Website with Tiiny Host

Learn how to host a free website with Tiiny Host in this step-by-step tutorial. Make a free website with Tiiny…

What’s the #1 Best WordPress Hosting in 2023? (detailed comparison)

Find out how a dozen website hosting platforms compare as we evaluate basic features like web hosting costs and limitations…

TTT updates and more (November 2023)

Find out why I took a break from YouTube this year and what’s next for this channel. Sign up my…

The Darth Truth About DDoS Attacks that Nobody is Talking About

Learn how to protect your online business website or e-commerce store with Cloudflare DDoS protection that’s built right into Cloudways…

How to Display a Map with Leaflet on a Django Website

Learn how to use Leaflet JS and GeoJson to display a map on an HTML page for every country. While…

How to use GeoDjango (import GIS shapefile with Python)

Learn how to setup Geodjango with a PostgreSQL database and populate it with a shapefile from Natural Earth https://www.naturalearthdata.com. By…

How to use Bootstrap with Django

Learn how to spice up your Django website with the Bootstrap CSS framework. In this tutorial, we will be using…

How to do CRUD in Django

Learn basic CRUD operations for Django so you can create, read, update, and delete data directly from a public web…